


Revelation: the World Conquest of the Kingdom of GodThe Interpretation of Revelation by the Sanhedrin, Romans, and Disciples of Jesus Christ【電子書籍】[ John J. Melescue ]

<p>The Interpretation of REVELATION by the Sanhedrin, Romans, and Disciples of Jesus Christ</p> <p>Inspired by the Devil, the Sanhedrin and Romans had slain the Lord Jesus, and now they were brutally murdering His disciples to rid the earth of His kingdom. Jesus had instructed His saints, Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord (Rom. 12:19).</p> <p>Finally, the time for His vengeance had comethe avenging of the blood of His saints was at hand! He sent His hidden message in Revelation to His disciples to get out of His way. Then Almighty God filled the vials of wrath until they overflowed with His fury. The angels in heaven gave a harkening blast on the trumpets of war, shaking the very foundations of heaven and earth. And the armies of the Lord prepared for battle, for the great day of Gods wrath had come, and no one would be able to stand against it.</p> <p>This book will teach you the interpretation of Revelation for the three target audiences, along with all the metaphors Jesus strategically selected for His greatest parable of all:</p> <p>The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse<br /> The Beast of the Land<br /> The Beast of the Sea with Seven Heads and Ten Horns<br /> The Land, Sea and Trees<br /> The Mark of the Beast, and the Number of His Name: 666<br /> The Two Super Witnesses<br /> The Plague of Locusts<br /> The Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets and Seven Vials of Wrath<br /> The Three Heavens<br /> The New Heaven and New Earth, and New Jerusalem<br /> And much more!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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